USTDA: Türkiye Space Technologies Reverse Trade Mission
Türkiye has set an ambitious goal to send the first Turkish astronaut into space in 2023, in celebration of the Republic’s centennial.

A moon mission is also planned to be completed by the end the decade. Türkiye will achieve these goals by partnering with U.S. companies and governmental organizations.
The Bilateral Chamber organized and hosted the Türkiye Space Technologies Reverse Trade Mission, sponsored by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, in June 2022. The trade mission brought together the Turkish Space Agency (TUA) and its industry partners with U.S.companies and NASA.
This week-long mission included meetings and site visits in Orlando and Cape Canaveral, Florida, as well as the greater Los Angeles area. The trade mission was the first in-person mission since the onset of pandemic, allowing the Turkish delegation to engage face-to-face with U.S. space industry representatives on areas of collaboration and partnership.
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